About Me

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Watkinsville, Georgia, United States
We lost my beautiful wife of 20 years on 9/12/07. Lisa was my world she was my everything and now she is gone. We are learning to live without Lisa now. I say we because I am not alone. My children are stuck in this mess with me. These are my notes, my vent, my way of letting you all know that we are doing well (some days). This is for myself, my friends and my family that want to know how we are doing and what we are up to. Along the way I hope this might also help someone else who has been dealt a similar hand.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Dinner Date

Okay this bites...

As previously mentioned, Matt got his license Saturday. So what happens while I am off at work today? He makes plans to have dinner with a young lady. He calls and asks me if it's okay for him to have dinner with this little tramp (I'm sure she is nice but she persuaded my son to ditch me for supper) and I agreed. He was very excited and was very appreciative. Of course, I gave him the "we are not going to make a habit of this" speech. I suppose he sees big sister, the college student, do it all the time and thinks this is the thing to do. News flash slick, this will not be a regular thing! I suppose I should get used to it since he will be gone before I know it. What am I going to do? I have gone from feeling totally overwhelmed with taking care of the house and kids to worried that I wont have them to take care of. What am I going to do? I better get out there and get my work shop put together, maybe the sound of my table saw will drown out the silence.

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